Daily Makeup

The service includes a simple, fresh, everyday makeup. Suitable for an important day at work, a difficult business meeting or even a casual morning out with friends.

You'll definitely want to pay attention to every detail and a morning make-up at Oh My Beauty is all you need to complete your look.

Our experienced makeup artists can complete your image with a quick make-up, but with an impressive result and offer you skin care tips.


Daily Makeup & Natural Beauty

At Oh My Beauty, all you have to do is discuss your needs with our makeup artists, find together the elements of your face that need to be highlighted and showcase your natural beauty, highlighting your perfect features.

Don't forget that the most important thing in a makeup is that it doesn't look "foreign" on you, matches your style and the rest of your look and makes you feel confident, because beauty comes from within!


Everyday Makeup Ideas

Whether the daily makeup is light or more intense, subtle or impressive, it always depends on your personal aesthetic and also on the social occasion you need it for. Get some ideas before our appointment:

Daily makeup
Everyday makeup red lips
Everyday makeup pink lips, makeup ideas
Ideas for everyday makeup
Everyday nude makeup
Ideas for everyday makeup
Impressive makeup every day
Daily imposing makeup

Daily makeup price

The price for the daily makeup service at Oh My Beauty is only €40.

How long does the procedure for daily makeup take?

The whole process takes about 45 minutes.

What makeup products do you use, will they do for my skin?

We always use branded, hypoallergenic products suitable for all skin types in a wide variety of shades and textures to match your makeup to your natural colours.

TIP: At Oh My Beauty for all make-up services we use branded products, so that you get the best possible result that lasts! If it's a special occasion, maybe you need one evening professional makeup;