
Relaxing Massage at Home - Benefits

Relaxing home massage

A good thing massage offers absolute relaxation. Not only does it have benefits for the body, but it also boosts the immune system and increases energy levels. The best with relaxing massage is that it can be done by you at home, without necessarily needing a specialized masseuse.

Massage as we know it today began as an art over 5000 years ago for therapeutic purposes. Today, it has become more than a therapeutic technique, being at the same time a simple but effective "rite" of relaxation.

Benefits of a Relaxing Massage at Home

Relaxing massage not only calms mind, body and spirit. It has other advantages as you will see below:

1. Saves time and money

Going and preparing to go to a massage center is a stressful process in itself. Especially when you have to drive afterwards! And it is definitely an additional cost, especially if you want to enjoy a relaxing massage often.

2. Offers deeper relaxation

When you enjoy a relaxing massage at home, you can relax your senses and immediately fall asleep. Even more so if this massage is offered to you by your man and whatever he wanted to happen.

3. It lasts as long as you want... or you can stand it

Certainly if you offer each other a relaxing massage with the right atmosphere, you are not with the watch on your hand. You can establish specific days in the week, and enjoy quality time together.

If not, use moisturizers massage oils, then you can simultaneously offer a refreshing hydration and stimulation to the skin of your partner or the rest of the family.

Moisturizing oils for Relaxing Massage

An oil is essential for any type of massage, especially for a relaxing massage. Reduces friction between hands and skin, allowing deeper relaxation and ease of movement.

Depending on the mood, you can choose an oil for deep body hydration with Vitamin E, which is beneficial for the skin or a chocolate and cinnamon scented body oil that will leave you feeling great right after!


Health benefits of massage

A deep one relaxing massage, in addition to the relaxation it offers by eliminating the feeling of tiredness of a tiring day, it can also have therapeutic properties:

1. Relieves muscle pain

Massage stimulates blood flow to the area and relaxes tight muscles. Relaxing aromatherapy massage is a type of body massage that uses essential oils. The oils are said to be absorbed by the skin and help relax the muscles.

2. Reduces stress

It is a relaxing, soothing form of therapy that can not only relieve muscle tension but also calm the mind.

3. Improves sleep

A relaxing massage improves sleep, since as the body relaxes and mental tension decreases, it is definitely easier to fall asleep. The most common massage is the Swedish massage. It uses a series of hand and finger movements to stimulate muscles, ligaments, ligaments and tendons.

4. Relieves headaches

Massage relieves headaches as it can reduce muscle tension and blood flow to the head. It can also stimulate the production of endorphins, which are natural pain relievers, and relax the muscles around the eyes, which can cause headaches.

5. Enhances exercise performance

An intense relaxing massage enhances exercise performance, since it improves blood flow and circulation, making muscles more flexible and resilient. 

Physical contact and touch can in themselves bring relaxation and calmness to the mind and body, even strengthening the feelings and the relationship with our loved ones. Just put the relaxing massage in your life!
